The Blog

Liturgical Living
The Month of The Sacred Heart of Jesus
"Behold this Heart which has so loved men that It spared nothing, even going so far as to exhaust and consume Itself, to prove to them It's love.” -Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
It has been...

Liturgical Living
Fourth Week of Advent: The Joyful Mysteries
Advent Week 4: Dec. 18-24
The Joyful Mysteries
Here we are, the final week of Advent! You may have found it to be a peaceful, reflective season, or you may, like so many of us, have found it to b...

Liturgical Living
Third Week of Advent: The Luminous Mysteries
Advent Week 3: Dec. 11-17
The Luminous Mysteries
Advent is filled with imagery of light and darkness. We light wreaths with candles to signify the four weeks of Advent, and as Christmas approache...

Liturgical Living
Second Week of Advent: Sorrowful Mysteries
Advent Week 2: Dec. 4-10
The Sorrowful Mysteries
“Advent’s intention is to awaken the most profound and basic emotional memory within us, namely, the memory of the God who became a child. This is a...

Liturgical Living
First Week of Advent: Glorious Mysteries
Advent Week 1: Nov. 28-Dec. 3
The Glorious Mysteries
The season of Advent is here! And now… we wait. Much like the months of pregnancy as a woman waits to deliver a child, this season gives us ti...