Our Pro-Life Mission
We are living in a post Roe v. Wade world, and standing up to protecting life is more important now than ever before. With States passing their own laws regarding the termination of life, It’s on us as Catholics and Pro-Life individuals to continue to stand up for life. This is why we have started our Pro-Life Fundraiser Initiative.
Pro-Life doesn't just mean "Pro-Baby" or "Pro-Birth" It means being Pro-Life from Conception until natural death. These Apostolates we've chosen all support life during it's different stages. Through this series of Fundraisers, our goal is to help provides funds to the groups we have chosen to continue their pro-Life apostolates.

Our Mission Goal

“The Sisters of Life are women who are in love with Love – Love incarnate, crucified, and Risen – and captivated by the truth of the beauty of every human person, created in God’s image and likeness.”
The Sisters of Life serve women who are experiencing crisis pregnancies and women who are struggling mothers. The apostolate of the Sisters of Life is so important. You can find out more about their apostolate Here.

Our foundation draws from the dynamism of the “new”, the vitality of the New Evangelization, and the rich heritage of the “old”, the cherished tradition of the Order of Preachers.
The Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist are an Apostolate that upholds the “old” of preaching and teaching Truth in order to save souls. With Mary, the Mother of God as their model as consecrated women, their apostolate flows out of their prayer and love for the Eucharist. They embrace the traditions of the Dominican order in their Charism and spirituality through their zeal for winning souls over for Christ. Learn more about the charism and apostolate of the Dominican Sister of Mary Mother of the Eucharist Here.

"This is the Rule and Life of the Friars Minor, namely, to observe the Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ, living in obedience, in poverty, and in chastity." -St. Francis of Assisi, Rule of St. Francis.
In the Imitation of St. Francis of Assisi, The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal seek to live a life as a witness of faith, hope and love of God and Neighbor. They do this through prayer, fraternal life, servicing the poor, and evangelization on mission. Learn more about the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal Here.