Saint Genevieve of Paris

Saint Genevieve of Paris
Born in 422, Genevieve was a very pious child. She was consecrated a virgin at only 7 years old by Bishop Germanus (now Saint Germanus). The Bishop was visiting and upon meeting her in a large crowd he was able to foretell her sanctity and brought her to a nearby church for the consecration. She lived a childhood of prayer, penance and acts of devotion and when she turned 15 asked the Bishop of Paris to make her a nun. From that point forward Genevieve fasted and only ate twice a week, a sign of her complete devotion to the Lord. The Holy Spirit used her  and gave her the gift of prophecy. Many started to turn against her, but Bishop Germanus intervened and silenced all those who were accusing her of being a false prophet. The Bishop appointed her to look after the welfare of all the consecrated virgins and she did so faithfully. Genevieve died at the old age of 89 on January 3rd, 512.  Genevieve has many miracles attributed to her both while she was here on earth and after she reposed. Two that have earned her the title of Patroness of Paris are when Atilla the Hun came upon Paris and many Christians wanted to flee in terror. Genevieve rallied and inspired them to stay and asked them to pray and fast in their homes. She assured them they would have the protection of Heaven. Her prediction came true and the Huns changed their course and never came to Paris. Another miracle was when there was a terrible fever that had broken out in the city. This famous miracle is known as the miracle of Des


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